Mel’s Mob, this is for you! First of all, I want to start by saying Thank You! 

Thank you for always commenting on my blog posts, sending me DM’s about my work, and supporting every event I have either locally or literally anywhere I am in the world. I CANNOT do what I do without you guys supporting me. It’s natural to sometimes let self doubt get in the way of our dreams, but you guys send me all the encouragement and are my hype men/women exactly when I need it. My Tribe is solid and for that I’m forever grateful! 

Photography: Brandon Grate

Top: Zara |Shorts: Zara | Shoes: Zara | Bag: Mango (gifted)

Today’s post is all about creating this type of tribe for yourself. In this big digital world, it’s easy to feel like it’s impossible to find your “people”, the people who help push what you’re promoting, offer support, and know just how you feel when you vent on InstaStories.  Whether you’re a small business owner, a content creator, author, artist–you name it–having your online tribe is important. It took me a while to figure out exactly how to find my mob, but now that I have, I’m super excited to share the how to’s with you. 

So, how can YOU build your solid tribe online? 

Be True To You. 

Look around. Do you see anyone else like yourself? Nope! Know why? Because there is only one YOU. There is only one person that can tell a story like you, wear an outfit like you, sell a product like you, or even cook a meal like you. Stay true to being yourself online, and pay attention to what people are engaging with most. Share more of that! Not only will you feel fulfilled by creating content you like, but your tribe will love that you’ve paid attention to what they love and try to create more like it. Feel confident enough in yourself to know that you have something to say to the world, and embrace those that are receptive to it.


Engage with your audience online. Talk to your tribe and respond back to them, even when they only leave little emojis in the comments section. DM them to check on them if they haven’t posted in a while; you never know when your words are needed. If you’re out and about or selling products at events, snap pictures with them, learn names, and always be open to having a conversation. This will help turn your tribe into your extended family. Like I said before, this huge digital world can get a little lonely, so always give off vibes that let others know you value community over competition.

Know Your Role.

It’s always great to step out of the box and try new things, but always be mindful of the reasons WHY your tribe comes to you. Evolving is important, but don’t forget that your tribe loves following you for a reason. Keep producing the great content they’ve loved, and be strategic in how you slowly introduce them to things outside of your norm. Your tribe won’t keep you in the box, but hard pivots can sometimes drive devoted followers away.


You can always gain more people to your tribe by simply networking. Go out to different events in your city, educate people on what you do, and have an open mind. I meet so many people at events that aren’t bloggers, aren’t into natural hair, and don’t even care about fashion! I focus on WHO they are, not always what they do. Those people have now become a part of Mel’s Mob. You never know who you’ll meet by stepping outside of your comfort zone and really connecting with people. That genuine connection goes a long way.

Okay, y’all! I hope this helps! Always remember: your tribe will be the people who help you secure brand partnerships because they love your content and always share it. They’ll also be the ones who buy your products when you decide to sell merch. Never underestimate the power of online connections! 

Happy building!