Guess what, y’all? I’m a whole plant mom! I still can’t believe it sometimes, LOL. I know we’re all finding new hobbies and sources of peace during quarantine, and I’ve certainly found my peace inside my local greenhouse.

It all started when I received my first plant as a housewarming gift–a bird of paradise from my friend Chanel. I stayed up late reading and finding cool Pinterest posts on indoor plants and how to add them into our home. A few days later, after texting her about loving my plant, I asked her to go to a local nursery with me. It was a wrap after that! I’ve got so many plant babies now that our house looks like a jungle. *hides face*

After about 6 months of being a plant mom, I decided to share my personal routine and tips that have helped me along the way. 

Here’s a sneak peek inside my indoor plant care routine: 


I think we all know a lot of plants LOVE sunlight, but I was weary about having plants that required too much effort since I was new to understanding window placements for natural lighting. I went for plants that were beautiful yet easy to care for, but of course ended up with some babies that still love their sunlight. Since our home’s windows face north, we don’t get TONS of natural light, but thank God for our back patio! I open up our blinds every morning and let the plants drink in just enough sun during the day. I also purchased a plant light from Amazon so that the babies who need a little extra TLC can get a healthy dose of artificial sunlight. Works like a charm; our plants are thriving! 


Y’all, it’s HOT in Charlotte, and I’ve noticed that misting really helps my kids. I don’t want them drying out too fast, so misting the leaves and the soil really helps. Make sure you do your research to make sure your plants like misting before adding it to your routine.


I like to water my babies once a week. Some plants dry out a little more than others, but the longest I’ll go before watering is 10 days. Saturday mornings are my watering days, and I keep notes on each one in my phone so I’m always aware of how they’re doing. These are whole children, y’all! I made sure the plants I purchased were pretty low maintenance, so weekly watering works best. Safe to say with all of my reading, routines, and notes, the girls and guys are happy! 


I PRUNE, okay?! Have you ever heard the saying that holding on to dead things will kill what’s alive? (Something like that…you get the point.) I’ve learned that the longer you keep dead leaves connected to the thriving root, the rest of the plant gets affected. If that’s not a metaphor for life, I don’t know what is! I get my music going and it’s all a part of my Saturday morning cleaning routine. I take my Amazon garden sheers and trim off the crispy ends and any dead leaves. I like my babies to be clean and full of life! 

I also add-in repotting, plant food, and dusting when needed! I’ve also named them all as well. Call me the crazy plant lady, I’ll take it! HAHA. 

Plant Shopping

– Need help with the moisture of your plants? Grab a Moisture Meter from Amazon. It’s been a lifesaver for me! 

– Misting helps! I found this cute little amazon mister. Grab one for yourself. Also it’s super cute as home decor. Also, a watering can! I mean how cute?! 

– Like your boy Kanye said…”All of the lights!” LOL! If your plants need a little extra light, here you go

Okay, I’ll spare A FEW of your coins today! If you want to browse around, make sure you check out my Amazon Store. I have a whole Plant Mom Life list you guys can grab items from. 

Last, but not least…Don’t be afraid to become a plant mom. Start out slow, try it out with one plant, and talk to your babies as they begin to grow and flourish. Trust me, it helps! 

Until Next Time!